With your donation, children’s dreams won’t remain just that, a dream. Broken communities will be restored and rebuilt. And the people we serve will be given the opportunity to fulfill their true potential!
Through our sponsorship program, we collaborate with the Ugandan government to offer support and education for children who may have experienced death of a parent, abuse, trafficking, abandonment, neglect, or extreme poverty.

Provide Safe Water and Sanitation
We understand that access to sanitation in communities and schools is critical to the student’s experience and their chance for success. Help to provide a wash infrastructure to strengthen…

Latrine Construction
To this end, in 2020, we took on an initiative of construction of our first latrine at new hope primary school in south western Uganda as a sanitation project that would give hundreds of students

The majority of children and youth mostly in rural Uganda have limited access to primary education and almost no opportunity for higher education.

Sexual & Gender Based Violence
it’s among our main objectives to fight and end sexual assault in our rural communities of Uganda.Sexual and gender-based violence (sgbv) is a great challenge in uganda

Nutrition & Health Feeding
Insufficient supplies of food are due to low agricultural yields throughout the country, and lead to poor health, hunger, and malnutrition. with support from sponsors like you..

Chicken Rearing
we work with our beneficiaries (mostly women) to create the chicken projects in order to teach them business skills and increase their income. once the women become financially..

Goat Rearing
we give out a goat training program whereby, following its successful completion, participants receive a dairy goat. from the first 20 female goats, the first kid produced from
We’d love to connect with you on social media, and send you our emails, so you always know whats happening with CMCO. In addition, we would be honored to have your financial support. We cannot accomplish our important work alone. We need committed individuals who will stand with us and support the work of CMCO around the world.