Helping the Needy
Children Missions Charity Organization beneficiaries are children that come from the families that are completely disadvantage and which live below the poverty level and are completely not sure for the next meal after today’s meal, most of our beneficiary’s guardians and parents cannot afford meals for their children. Children Missions Charity Organization stood on this to come up with the heifer project to boost the income of the home steads of our beneficiaries. The heifer project will be an instrument through which a family can use to self-sustain its self, to boost the immune of children during the holidays and get basic supplies through the sale of the surplus milk. Therefore, assisting our beneficiaries to improve on their nutrition. To help them meet their simply needs through the sale of the surplus milk would be extremely beneficial. This will also keep them with healthy minds and bodies while feeding on the same milk.

With $1000 you can support a CMCO beneficiary to start a heifer project.